
Friday 7 December 2018

Antarctic Studies

How well do you think this work has gone?

The work went well although we didn't get to finish most of it and only made one paragraph

What was the best section of your work?

The first section because we made a full paragraph with four sentences and it was well written

Where did you go wrong in completing this assessment?

We didn't get enough time and we got distracted so we only made one paragraph and only sentences on the other slides.

How might you improve your outcome in the future?

Work properly and don't get distracted.

What did you find interesting about the topic you completed your presentation on?

How many penguins there are that is in danger because I thought there were loads of them.

What did you struggle with during your assessment?

Working on my work because I keep getting distracted and I couldn't be bothered to do it.

Antarctic Studies

Monday 26 November 2018

Passion Projects (3)

What we are doing

We are doing a fundraising tournament and the sport we are doing is a 5 on 5 basketball. We are gonna give the canned food and water bottles to the homeless.

What we have done

We have finished most everything we have to do. The poster is done and we have put it around the school. We already know the rules for basketball and we have researched the stuff we don't know and we already know which group we are taking.


-Referee - Gabriel and Aron
-Taking the scores - Nino and Daniel
-Keeping the kids sake and not wander around - The people left in our group

Monday 19 November 2018

Passion Projects (2)

What we are doing

We are doing a fundraising tournament and the sport we are doing is a 5 on 5 basketball. We are gonna give the canned food and water bottles to the homeless.

What we have done

We have made a sign-up sheet for 5 on 5 basketball, 3 on 3 basketball as well as football and volleyball. We have also made a poster for all of these sport and we have started assigning some roles for the people in our group. So far Gabriel and Aron are gonna be the referee for the 5 on 5 basketball.

How does this help you with your passion projects

We have made a poster to advertise our project and we have also made a sign-up sheet for people to put their teams in it.

What is your next step

To start advertising our passion project and get everything sorted out to start the fundraising tournament project.

What evidence do you have that this is your next step

We have finished making our poster and sign-up sheet so we are ready to take the next step.

Mars, new home or not?

Aim: I want to find out if humans can live on Mars?




Mars, new home or not?

Image result for mars with waterThe question still stands can we live in Mars? Many have asked if we can live on Mars or not? Is it gonna be our new home in the near future? People have had many theories that we have to live on Mars since our own planet, Earth is being destroyed whether it be from global warming, from what many people have theories or from something out there in the galaxy heating up and destroying Earth.
Mars has an unfriendly atmosphere to human life, it has no oxygen for us to breath in with an environment is very cold add to the fact that it has intense radiation.
Billions of years ago the red planet use to have an atmosphere and a lot of water on the north pole of Mars.

Even if we can make it to Mars, we will need to find a way to live in it. People and scientist have hypothesised that we will have to find a way to live on the red planet. We will constantly need a pressurized and heated environment, there is no breathable air like on earth and the atmosphere is very cold as well as the air has little to no pressure.
The harsh environment and the toxic land on the red planet will make it harder to grow food.
The scientist has theorised that they will be able to grow and farm food inside the many caves on Mars but they are not sure yet.
Image result for elon musk spacex
Elon Musk the founder of SpaceX, a space exploration and technology company and they have planned to build a community of 80,000 people to live in Mars and get the first human to land on the red planet by 2026 ten years earlier than NASA. The travel will be dangerous no one has been there before and the landing will need to be precise. Mars has lots of volcanic and rocky mountains they will need a clear space to land on and that is not the hardest part, getting back to earth is a much harder plan to work on.

In conclusion, we will need a self-sustaining food system and water supply to keep on living on the big red planet. The air pressure on there will be a big problem as well and oxygen will be a greatly needed supply if we can't find out a way to get oxygen on Mars.
Getting to Mars and living on it will be a big problem, lots of plans will need to be made and completing those plans will be even harder.
Summing-up all of these, Can we live in Mars or not? Well, there is still no sure answer until we try it.

Thursday 15 November 2018

Passion Projects

What am I learning?

We are learning to care for the homeless people and how to help them.

Who is in my group?

Basketball Fundraising Group


We are doing a fundraising tournament so people have to enter by giving us canned food to give to the homeless and the winner of the tournament will get a prize.

S.W.O.T. Analysis

What is SWOT?

S.W.O.T is Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

  • We are donating to the homeless
  • We are doing sports we enjoy
  • Playing along with the community
  • People will get healthy

  • Easily distracted - Try not to get distracted and commit to our work

  • We don’t do much work  - Do more work

  • We leave work at the last minute -Try to commit to our work and finish it


  • Building confidence
  • To make a difference
  • Connect with different people
  • Practice your favorite sports
  • Have fun

  • Dangerous People - Ask a teacher to supervise us

  • Stray dogs - Run or

  • Bad weathers - Check the Weather

  • No equipment - Tell someone to bring the equipment

  • No money- We don't need money.

We have learned to analyze our own weaknesses and strengths and how to improve and solve them.

Wednesday 7 November 2018

What Happens To Food

Ingestion - It is when a food enters your body via the mouth

Teeth Type - Molar is usually found at the back-side of your mouth. They are flat surface teeth and there are lots of them. Molars are usually found in the mouth of herbivores because they mostly eat grass which needs to be crush and grinded. 

                   - Incisor is a tooth that is found on the front of the mouth they look like chisels and functions like one, it cuts grass, and it is mostly found in herbivores.

                   - Canines are found on carnivores they are used for ripping the meat out of animals or holding them down so the predators can disable them one, for example, is a tiger. It is a pointed tooth between the incisor and the molar and can be found in humans. It is also called the eye teeth.

Digestion - It is when food 

Oesophagus - After the food is chewed it is turned into a bolus, a Latin word for ball, it is swallowed and go through the oesophagus and by the move called peristalsis a wave-like motion moves the food down the oesophagus to the stomach. 

Stomach - After the ball of food went through your oesophagus it moves down the stomach it is a large plastic bag that can enlarge that can hold up litres of food. There is an acid in your stomach called Hydrochoric acid. It is really dangerous and a really low pH level, 1-2, the reason for the acid there is to dissolve food and kills germs that enter the body because of food.

Small Intestine - The small intestine is located between the stomach and the large intestine. The pH level in the intestine is usually between 7-9, neutral with a slight of alkaline, this is the part of your digestive system where the absorption of nutrients takes place. All the proteins, carbohydrates and lipids have been broken down into small soluble molecules and can be absorbed into the bloodstream.

Muscular walls of the intestines - The muscular walls of the small intestines helps food move along via peristalsis the action of waving like motion.

Villi and microvilli and thin walls of a villus- A villus is a finger-like projection in the inner wall of the small intestines and a microvillus covers the surface of the villi. These can increase the rate of absorption. The thin walls of a villus help ensure the rapid absorption into the bloodstream.

Monday 10 September 2018

Te Whare Tapa Wha (2)

What is Te Whare Tapa Wha?

Te Whare Tapa Wha is the four Maori well being or the four walls. It consists of the first wall, Family Health or Taha Whanau, being able to know your origin, where you come from, what your last name represents and being able to share and care as an individual. 
The second wall is Mental Health or Taha Hinengaro a person's condition with a regard to their psychological and emotional well being, basically your mind and how you think they check your mental health if you're thinking right and not any suicidal thoughts, etc.
The third wall is Physical health or Taha Tinana,  being able to give your body proper care for ideal health and functioning. Overall physical wellness encourages the balance of physical activity, what you eat and how you think to keep your body in shape.
The fourth and final wall is Spiritual Health or Taha Wairua, your religious beliefs, faiths values and morals. It's what you believe in some people believe in God and some don't. It's not just about your religion it is also about being able to forgive someone if they have done something to you to break your trust.
The roof which is the summary. It basically means that you have to keep these four walls in check to keep your mind and body well, to be stable.

How did you participate with others and how did you contribute?

I folded some papers and I did some of the meanings of the four well-beings.

How did you cope with team challenges?

We work harder and work together.

Friday 7 September 2018

The Cat and The Cradle

             THE CAT AND THE CRADLE - Link - Long Story

What is the purpose of the story?

Summary - Retold by me

The cat and the cradle story is about a young baby who is a girl born in Netherlands in the olden times where only newborns who get fed with milk or any type of food are allowed to live even if it a little bit.
The young baby was born under the house of a bad grandmother who does not want any more girls in the house and only wants a boy who can grow up into strong warriors. The parents didn't want their baby girl to die so they hid her and fed her honey. One night the baby made a friend out of a cat and played with her day in and day out, the two grew up day by day and the parents calling them "little duo." One night a flood came and took the baby and the cat away in a cradle, her cat friend meowed into the night to call for help and luckily someone heard the noise and took the baby and the cat in.
The girl grew up to be a beautiful woman and had a family of her own. They both, the girl and the cat, died of old age and were buried together.

I guess the purpose of the story is that if you love something you work hard to keep it or to have it and that friends will be there for you.

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Traditional Story


Author's purpose

What do you think the author created this story?

Aesop created these stories which are called fables to teach us a life lesson.

What is the purpose (reason) for writing this story?

The story about the fox and the mask teach us a lesson to be yourself and not someone else, not to wear a mask and share out your real feelings.

What is the author trying to explain?

That inner worth is better to show than a fake one.

What a handsome face we have here! Pity, it is that it should want brains.

What did the characters learn?

No one in the story really learned a lesson since the fox was talking to himself so I would say it's directed to the audience which every story is but no one is really learning one.

How did the characters grow or change?

I guess the fox reminded himself that it is better to be yourself.

Why did the characters act this way?

The character said those words to inform us that it is better to be your true self.

Why do you think this story came into existence?

To teach us a valuable life lesson.

What did you learn about Greece from reading this story?

There's no information about Greece in the story.

What do you think the purpose of this story is?

To entertain people and so we will be more mindful of ourselves and our actions.

Why do you think this story is important to the people of Greece?

It came from their country so they will listen to those morals more and follow it...

Thursday 23 August 2018

Human Digestive System


-The mouth is where we ingest food
-We chew food with our teeth
-Canine teeth stab and rip food
-Incisors cut out food
-Our molar masticate (grind) the food
-The Salivary glands release saliva into out mouth and keep it moist
-The saliva breaks down the sugar in our food and lubricates it


-It's a conduit for food and waters


-Stomach acid kills the bacteria that entered your body 
-The Stomach breaks down the food into a paste


-This part of the digestive system receives chyme which is acid.


-Converts food into energy
-The pancreas also add more chemicals to the duodenum to break more bacteria

Gall Bladder

-To store bile 

Small intesitine

-It absorb and digest food (Nutrients, Mineral)


-It produces protein
-It also is one of the organ that break down old or damage blood cell


-Storehouse for good bacteria

Large Intestine

-Absorbs water and useless material from the body


-Temporary storehouse for feces


-A hole your feces comes out of

Why do you have a mouth?Image result for mouth

-To chew food.

Wednesday 22 August 2018


Learning outcome

Communicate what you have learnt and how you will apply what you know to the Year 9 Business Kete...


               Fighting back and showing forceful manner (Verbal or Non-Verbal or a Physical manner)


                              Having or showing a confident and forceful personality


        Accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance.

I have learnt that being aggressive can make other peoples thought about you in a negative way and it's not the only way to talk back or respond to a situation.
Also being passive is not really a good thing since people will keep telling you what to do because they know you won't do anything and being assertive is the perfect way to go about a situation being able to be calm and talk the situation out.

I myself is sometimes Assertive since I talk back from time to time but I mostly don't listen to what the other person is ranting about and make sarcastic comments.

During the Business and Enterprise Kete, I will be able to reduce conflict by being assertive. For example, I can tell the other person we can just talk about the situation calmly.

Tuesday 21 August 2018


In the past or even today, Moko is a tattoo on the face or your body to represent who you are or what you have achieved in life. One example is when you reach adolescence you get a Moko or a tattoo on your chin but before that, you have to fast which means not eat until you get tattooed.
 Usually, you get a lower status in your tribe when you flinch when getting tattoed or when you have achieved a simple thing. Maori tribes have used these tattoos to represent who they are.
I have made my own one though it's not that good and didn't really put my best into to it or I'm just bad at art.

The top bit represent my parents family getting together. The koru on the sides means I'm still growing as a person. The moko on the side that looks like ladders means I'm artistic though I'm not too sure about that. The thing on the bottom means I'm an average family.

Monday 13 August 2018


Learning outcome

Communicate what you have learnt and how you will apply what you know to the Year 9 Business Kete...



                             The quality or state of being conscious or aware of something

I learnt what being mindful means and how it is shown. Being mindful taught me how people feel about the situation they are in, for example when someone is in a situation where everybody's attention is on them you can see their body language if they are embarrassed or something like that.

When communication with my partner I could tell they were interested since their posture was up they were talking about it.

During the Bussiness and Enterprise Kete, I will be able to tell what people will be felling since I can tell from their body language.


                                                   Being able to feel what others are feeling

Friday 10 August 2018


What is bacteria?

Single-celled organism without a nucleus. They can be dangerous, such as when they cause infection, or beneficial, as in the process of fermentation (such as in wine) and that of decomposition.

What do bacteria need to survive?

Bacteria's are almost the same as humans they need the following to survive:

-Neutral PH Levels

Give 3 examples of how we avoid spreading bacteria?

-Make sure all food is covered or stored correctly. (Do now leave out in the open for longer than 2 hours
-Food is stored in airtight containers (No holes)
-Preserving food with vinegar, salt and lemon affects the growth. (Clean surfaces)
-Foods are stored in freezer -18 or fridge.
-Food is left to cool prior to going in fridge to avoid condensation.
Image result for bacteria

What does cross contamination mean and what it's effect on you?

the process by which bacteria or other microorganisms are unintentionally transferred from one substance or object to another, with harmful effect.Image result for cross contamination

Thursday 9 August 2018

Food Testing

Testing for Simple Sugar


To test a sample of food to determine whether it contains simple sugars.


-Bunsen Burner
-Test Tube
-Test Tube Tongs
-Benedict's Solution
-A sample of food
-Safety glasses


-Place about 2 ml of the sample into a test tube and then add 5 drops of Benedict Solution.
-Heat with a Bunsen Burner until it changes colour. Do not boil.


A positive test for simple sugar results in the Benedict Solution changing from green colour to an orange colour.


Orange reacted to benedict solution, therefore, it is simple sugar.

Testing Complex Sugar


To test if a sample of food contains complex sugars.


-Test Tube
-Food Sample
-Iodine Solution
-Bunsen Burner
-Test Tube Tongs


-Place about 2 ml of the sample in a test tube.
-Add 3-5 drops of iodine and mix.


If complex sugar is present the iodine solution will change from a brown colour to a blue-black colour.


Bread reacted with the iodine solution so that means it is complex sugar.

Testing for Protein


To test if a sample of food contains protein.


-Test tube
-Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
-Copper sulfate (CuSO)
-Food sample


-Place about 2 mL of the sample into a test tube and add 5 drops of sodium hydroxide.
-Add 5 drops of copper sulfate.
-Shake the test tube gently from side to side.


If the solution remains blue, then no protein is present. If the solution changes to a violet colour then protein is present in the sample.


The egg reacted to the solution, therefore, it has protein in it.

Testing for Lipids


To test if a sample of food contains lipids.


-Absorbent paper
-Food sample


If it becomes translucent (almost see-through) and does not dry out then fat was present in the sample.


The cheeseburger was squashed in between the absorbent paper that means there are lipids in it.

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Maori Medical Research

 Learning Intention: To understand the life of Maori prior to connection to today's society.

What was your research about? It was finding out how Maori heal the ill people before the European came to New Zealand.

Two things you found interesting? -That Maori also took care of how you feel not just your physical pain.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -They also did internal treatment.

Two things you thought you did well? -The research.                                                                                                                                              -Writing out the presentation.

Something you want to do differently next time? I could have drawn a picture on my picture instead of just leaving an area blank.

Monday 6 August 2018

Plant Kingdom

The Five Kingdom

Image result for BacteriaBacteria

Single-celled organism without a nucleus.

Image result for ProtoctistaProtoctista

Single-celled organism with a nucleus.

Image result for fungi Fungi

Multi-celled with cell walls but cannot -carry out photosynthesis.

Image result for Plants   Plants

Multi-cellular with cell walls and can carry out photosynthesis.

Image result for Animals   Animals

Multi-cellular with no cell walls.

The Kingdoms are subdivided into phyla, then classes, orders, families, genera and species. The smallest classification contains only one type of organism, a species. A species is defined as a group of the similar organism capable of breeding with each other and producing fertile offspring.

Plant - Organism that produces their own food by the process of photosynthesis.

Vascular system - The vessels and tissue that carry or circulate fluids.

Seeds - Embroyonic plant enclosed in a covering called the testa and usually contains some stored food.

Spores - A reproductive unit capable of developing into another such plant without sexual fusion

Flowers - The reproductive organs of some plants that are typically surrounded by brightly coloured petals.

Cones - A woody reproductive structure that contains seeds.

Sexual fusion - Reproduction involving the combining of a male (sperm) and female (egg) gametes.