
Monday 26 March 2018

Bouncy Balls


The purpose of my investigation is to find out how high a ball can bounce at a certain height.


-Golf ball
-1m Ruler
-Devices (That is able to record)


The higher the ball drop the higher bounce but not higher from where you drop the ball.


-Get the equipment needed (ball, ruler, stand with boss head, papers to put your data on and camera)
-Try out my investigation 3 times at 5 certain height while my camera is recording in slow motion.
-Records my data.
-Put in a graph 
Finish off experiment by blogging it

Key Variables

The Dependent Variable -The height of the ball bounces

The Independent Variable -The height of the ball

Control Variables-Surface of where you drop the ball
                            -The type of ball you use

Drop Height

Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3

0.2 (m)9 (cm)14 (cm)13.5 (cm)14 (cm)
0.4 (m)27 (cm)27 (cm)27 (cm)27 (cm)
0.6 (m)34 (cm)33 (cm)32 (cm)34 (cm)
0.8 (m)43 (cm)44 (cm)40 (cm)44 (cm)
1 (m)s52.5 (cm)50 (cm)51 (cm)52.5 (cm)


My hypothesis was correct  "The higher the ball drop the higher bounce but not higher from where you drop the ball.'' 


Dissolving Solution


To investigate the solubility of Calcium Chloride and Magnesium Oxide to see which is the most soluble in water.


-A 250ml Beaker
-100ml Measuring Cylinder
-Calcium Chloride
-Magnesium Oxide
-A Stirring Rod
-A Spatula


-Fill the Beaker with 100ml of tap water
-Add a bit Calcium Chloride by using a Spatula
-Stir the solution until all of the Calcium Chloride has dissolved
-Repeat steps 2 and 3 until no more Calcium Chloride will dissolve into the solution
-Records with how many Calcium Chloride you added with the spatula.
-Repeats the experiment, with Magnesium Oxide



-Calcium Chloride-2
-Magnesium Oxide-6


-It took really long to dissolve Calcium Chloride.
-It took less time to dissolve magnesium Oxide and more to dissolve.

Friday 23 March 2018

Chromatography-Separating a Mixture of Coloured Compounds


To separate the different pigments in inks or dyes using paper chromatography.


-Inks (From Ballpoint pens)
-Marker Pens or Food Colouring 
-250 ml Beaker
-Strip of Filter Paper 
-Adhesive Tape
-Pencil or Ice-Block Stick


-Cut a strip of filter paper that is long enough to reach the bottom of your beaker and able to wrap around your pencil or ice-block stick.

-Rule a line in pencil approximately 2 cm from the bottom of your piece of paper.

-Fill your beaker with enough chromatography solution to fill your beaker to a depth of 1 cm.

-Place a dot of ink above the ruled line on your filter paper. You need to produce a concentrated dot of ink so repeated applications may be necessary.

-Suspend the strip of Paper from the pencil or stick. You may need to use adhesive tape to stop it from falling into the solution.

-Wai to see what happens. It is important that you do not disturb the beaker. If the solution comes in contact with the ink dot, the ink will run down into the solution, rather than move up the filter paper.


-The water ran up the filter paper causing the ink to run up as well.

Outline the origin of the term chromatography

Chromatography (Chroma - Greek for 'colour' and the word biography meaning 'words' or 'pictures')

Describe the type of mixtures that chromatography can separate

Inks and Dyes.

Explain why the pigments separate

The pigments separate because they have different solubilities in a solvent.

Monday 19 March 2018



I want to investigate how to dilute a solution.


-Test Tube Rack.
-Test Tubes.
-100ml Measuring Cylinder.


-Fill measuring cylinder with 10ml of water.
-Add 10ml of water into a test tube.
-Add 5ml of water to 5 more test tubes.
-Add a small spatula of Potassium Permanganate to the first 10ml  test tube of water.
-Add 5ml of the water mix with the chemical from the first test tube into the measuring cylinder.
-After that add the 5ml of water mix with the chemical into the second test tube.
-Repeat to the remaining 4 test tubes.



-The first test tube went dark purple.
-As we poured 5ml from each test tube into the next test tube, the colour became lighter and lighter.

Growing Crystals


I want to find out how to make crystals from a supersaturated solution


-A super solution of Sodium Acetate
-A seed crystal of Sodium Acetate
-Bunsen burner
-Boiling Tube
-Test Tube Tongs
-Heat Mat
-Filter Paper
-Small Beaker


-Fold the Filter paper. and put it in the funnel (The teacher will show you)
-Put the funnel on either the Beaker or the Test tube.
-Put in the solution given by the teacher.
- Wait for it until it reacher 2/3 of the Test Tube/Beaker
-Set up the Bunsen Burner
-Heat up the Solution
-Take it in and out
-Once down cool it down with water for 5 minutes
-After that take it and drop a crystal



-After boiling my solution and cooling it down, I put some crystal in it exploded into a crystal.

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Cultures in Philippines

What we have done?

My team and I have been researching about the cultures in the Philippines. We have found out about stuff like food, celebrational clothes and other stuff.

Monday 12 March 2018

Separating Mixtures


To separate a solution from a precipitate (precipitate is the name for a solid that forms in a liquid during a chemical reaction)


-Lead II nitrate 
-Potassium iodide
-Stirring rod 
-A 10ml beaker
-A funnel 
-Filter paper


1.) Pour approximately 10 ml of Lead II Nitrate into a beaker

2.)Add the same volume of Potassium Iodide. A precipitation reaction will occur, resulting in a cloudy yellow precipitate of Potassium Nitrate

3.)Your science teacher will show you how to fold the filter paper so it fits inside your funnel

4.)Place the funnel, with the filter paper inside it, into the mouth of a conical flask.

5.)Stir, then carefully pour the precipitate mixture into the funnel.


Outline what you saw happen

When I pour the Potassium Nitrate (mixtures of Lead II Nitrate and Potassium Iodide) it filtered through a clear liquid into the Conical Flask.


-When I mix the two chemicals it went cloudy yellow.
-When I filtered the chemicals through the filter paper it prevented the yellow bits to come through.
-A clear liquid filtered through.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Drama and Music


In Drama and Music, we are studying Musical Theather. For my group performance, we are doing Hakuna Matata lip-syncing while doing some action. 

Things To Cover


-Remembering the lyrics
-Moves (Choreography)

Things We Have Covered

-We have picked our performance that we are doing

Thanks for checking out my post, I will be updating it from time-to-time. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts, and ideas