
Friday 13 September 2019

Details! Details! Details!

Exercise 1

From each set of words in brackets choose the one word or phrase which most effectively conveys the heat of the scene being pictured:
Beneath the glaring (bright / hot / glaring / frowning) sun the land was brown. Wisp (Leaves / Wisps /  Blades / Pieces) of grass, dried (shrunk / dried / shortened / shrivelled) by the hot (fierce / hot / direct / shining) rays, clung to the crumbling, scorched soil. Even to move was an effort. The slightest motion was enough to cause a sweat, but even perspiration was seared (burned / taken / forced / seared) away almost instantly (straight away / directly / instantly) by the intense (great / merciless / strong / intense) heat.

Exercise 2

Some words have been left out in the following sentences. From each group in brackets, choose the word or phrase that most effectively suggests the idea of noise.
1 Thunder boomed (rang, banged, boomed) off the mountains. The howling (yelping, howling, weeping) of the wind as it flew (blasted, flew, zoomed) through the narrow valleys was almost drowned out by the drumming (beating, drumming, tapping) of huge raindrops on the rocky ground.

2 The clatter (clunk, click, clatter, tinkle) of broken glass woke him. He listened intently and heard the slight creak  (creak, grating, screech) of a hinge as a door slowly opened. There was the faintest tapping (tapping, scrape, crunch) of a shoe on the wooden floor of the hall.

She was startled at first by the harsh cry (cry, squawk, yelp) of a sea gull. The distant murmur (murmur, rumble, clatter) of the sea and the sigh (moan, howl, sigh) of the gentle breeze through the palms lulled her.

Exercise 3

From each set of words in brackets choose the one word or phrase which most effectively conveys the scene being pictured:
Bright lights radiated (radiated/glowed/twinkled/flashed) merrily (merrily / mirthfully / laughingly / amusingly) through the evening darkness. The steady glow (brightness / glow / flickering) of the larger lights was reinforced by the sparkle of an array of grinning (happy / grinning / cheerful) smaller ones chasing (going after / chasing / running behind) each other in a lively, never-ending race. The hum (roar / bellow / hum / whir) of conversation, the clink (clink / crack / clank / clunk) of glasses, and the aroma (stench / odour / whiff / aroma) of steaming food all drifted (rode / drifted / blew / clattered) enticingly across the still night air.

Exercise 4

Here is a short descriptive passage. From each group in brackets, choose the word or phrase that most effectively fills each gap. Bear in mind the impression the writer is trying to give.
The face, in the brief instant when the lightning flashed (flashed, shone, glowed), was like some badly-done (badly-done, ugly, hideous) carving. The forehead was topped with a tangle (tangle, mass, clump) of hair which gleamed (glared, glittered, gleamed) in the light. The lower part of the face was veiled (covered, masked, veiled) by a/an wild(wild, untidy, messy) bush  (clump, bush, cluster) of wiry beard. The eyes, deep-set under thick brows, sparkled (twinkled, glittered, sparkled) evilly as they caught the light. Mark’s heart trashed (pounded, beat, thrashed) in fear at the sight. Lightning flickered (fluttered, lit up, flickered) again.

Thursday 12 September 2019

History (Persuasive Writing)

Older houses should be demolished and replaced with a more energy-efficient building.

Which side I'm on: For / Against


- More suited to our ever-changing environment.
- We already have museums and history books to show us what the houses were like.

- We could be missing our part of our history.

- We already have museums and history books to show us what the houses were like.
- We could be missing our part of our history but taking these risk could led us to a better future.
- More suited to our ever-changing environment.

For the most part of our history, houses have been really important to us. Without buildings, we would not have shelter from the cold wind outside, without houses there would be nothing to keep us getting wet from the rain.
But throughout the years we have advanced on our technology, we are able to build energy-efficient houses now. Although the older houses are still standing today, I think they should be taken down to build better houses.
We already have museums and history books to tell us how those houses were made and what they were like. Sure we could lose part of our history by taking these house down but the new homes are more suited to our environments.

Our journey from the past to today have been recorded through books and museums, and until recently we have been able to record it through the internet because of the internet.
We don't need older houses to learn more about what it was like and how people lived in the past. 
Museums have little buildings to show what buildings were like back in the day, books tell us how it was like back in the days. We are a growing society and I think the extra space we have by demolishing the older building could help us.

Why should we take down these older houses? Well, I know that we could lose a part of our history by taking down these older home but taking these risk could lead us to a better future. People of the past have taken a risk to advanced our species. Without these risks, we probably would not have the stuff we have today. We already our history recorded in museums and history books so it is unlikely we would forget our history.

These newer houses are more suited to our environment. If you think about it buildings, houses and all kind of structures, have been designed to prevent it from getting destroyed. We have designed buildings that can withstand an earthquake. We have made houses that prevents cold air from getting in.
These new houses are really helpful for our community. It decreases the chances of rebuilding broken homes and it also decreases that chances of people getting hurt.

So I think we should demolish the older buildings and replaced them with new ones because our history has already been recorded in museums and history books, they could lead us to a better future and it is more suited to the environment.

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Egg Drop

I made my design by using cardboard, newspaper and a type of foam. I made a box using cardboards to keep things together. I also used the newspaper and a type of foam to cushion the egg from inside.
I also used plastic to make a parachute but it didn't work properly so I took it out.

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Special FXs

Revision exercises

Exercise 1

Complete these sentences with examples of personification to make them interesting for readers. 
  1. The waves felt dreary.
  2. Clouds felt heavy.  
  3. The train was angrily moving.
  4. Fear - Can't think of anything for fear.
  5. The bulldozer was energetic.
  6. Bells  - Can't think anything for bells.

Exercise 2

Come up with a sound affect word for each of these
eg a racquet hitting a tennis ball = pock
1 an arrow hitting a target = thunk
2 cold water hitting a hot piece of metal = shh shh
3 a startled noise made by a bird. = twit twit
4 the sound made by an unhappy puppy = ngruueeh ngruueeh
5 a piece of paper being screwed up = shrrr
6 a juicy, ripe tomato hitting the floor after being dropped = splat
7 big waves hitting rocks = sloshed
8 tyres on a wet road = shpshpshp - hiss sound

Exercise 3

Sports reports often use alliteration in their headlines for impact. 
Write five sports headlines for a newspaper. Use alliteration to give an impact.


The rugby player tackled, tripped and threw the ball.

The ball slid, slammed and sprang back from the wall.

The soccer player slid and smashed the ball.

The golfer watched while waiting for his turn.

Astronomy in Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptian Astronomy was very sacred to the Ancient Egyptians. The pyramids were built to be in the same position as some of the stars. They knew when the annual flood would occur because they could see the brightest star, Sirius, rose before the sun. Because of this, throughout the decades, we were able to use the stars to point us to directions. For example, people use the north star to point them to directions. In today's time, we are able to locate different stars from very far away using the technologies we have built. One of the technologies we have today can sense star changing, exploding and many other things by sensing the vibrations it sends back to the technology they use.

Thursday 5 September 2019

Natural Environmental (Plants and Animals) (Persuasive Writing) (National Parks)

National Parks are taking up valuable real estate and should be cleared for development.

Which side I'm in: For/Against

- Growing population.
- The business makes more money.

- It should stay cause it's as valuable as real estate.
- All those hard work of keeping national parks good is destroyed.
-  It's very important that we have plants for our environment.

Organizing Ideas
- Growing population. / It should stay cause it's as valuable as real estate.
-  All those hard work of keeping national parks good is destroyed.
-  The business makes more money. / It's very important that we have plants for our environment.


National Parks should not be cleared out just to make space for real estate. Clearing these parks out could further ruin our environment. We shouldn't destroy them because they are just as valuable as real estates. Also, there were people who have been before born some of us that have been cultivating these lands, all there hard work will be all for nothing if we destroy these parks. Plants are also an important part of our environment, we need them now more than ever and if we were to cut down more who knows what will happen.

We can't deny the fact that we need more space to build more buildings because of our growing population, but we also can't deny the fact that nature is also very important to us. We need nature as a whole, without trees, we would not have oxygen to breathe in, without animals we would not have food to eat. The environment is just as valuable to us, as buildings and pieces of equipment are. Taking down national parks would ruin our environment even more. 

(Second Body Paragraph.) (W.I.P)

Business who are part of real estate companies would probably agree to the idea. There is no denying that money means a lot at this point in time. Without them, we would not be able to live properly. Plants play a very huge rule in keeping our planet clean.

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Season Semiles

Spring looks like blossoms.
Spring tastes like fruit.
Spring smells like daffodils.
Spring feels like warm sun.
Spring sounds like birds chirping.

Summer looks like volleyball at the beach.
Summer tastes like ice cream.
Summer smells like barbeque.
Summer feels like gentle breeze under the warm sun.
Summer sounds like kids playing outside.

Autumn looks like leaves falling.
Autumn tastes like hot pies.
Autumn smells like crisp air
Autumn feels like chilly air
Autumn sounds like dried leaves crunching

Winter looks like foggy air
Winter tastes like hot chocolate
Winter smells like
Winter feels like wrapping up in warms sweaters/jackets.
Winter sounds like quite evenings.

Old Stone Age and New Stone Age


  • Paleo - Old.
  • Lith - Stone.
  • Palaeolithic means the Old Stone Age.
  • Palaeolithic Huts - Caves Mud and Animal Skin.
  • Paleolithic Tools - Chipped Stone - Wood Weapons.
  • Food - Hunters and Gatherers - Meat, Fish and Berries- Store only what they can carry.
  • Discoveries - Fire - Rough Stone Tools.

Palaeolithic is all about the old stone age which is a caveman time. They made houses out of cave muds and animal skin. They used tools like chipped stones and wood weapons, they made it by banging two stones together. They also ate raw meat and fishes and they picked out berries from bushes.

Image result for paleolithic
  • Neo - New.
  • Lith - Stone.
  • Neolithic means the New Stone Age.
  • Neolithic Huts - Mudbrick with Timber.
  • Neolithic Tools - Polished Stone - Shard Tools from Grinding.
  • Food - Grew crops like Corn, Wheat and Beans - Could store extra food.
  • Discoveries - Agriculture (Farming) - Polished Tools.

Neolithic is all about the New Stone Age. New discoveries being discovered to help people from that era live better. They discovered farming which helped them out a lot. They made houses out of mudbricks and timber to make it more sturdy. These tools got upgraded and they found new ways to make it better. The food they ate was from the crops they grew and also the meat they hunted.