
Thursday 27 February 2020

Post Creative Writing Task

What is my learning objective?
I am learning to use writing skills to better my writing.
How am I learning it?
I am learning it by applying the skills to my writing.
Why am I learning it?
I am learning it to improve my writing better.

This is the creative writing that I wrote.
Complete the six task on the slide and you need to either show where the examples of the task are in your writing, or you are to write them out into your writing.

1.) Show setting via a narrator's personal pov
The grassy field danced through the wind under the moonlit sky. The blooming flowers were reflected by the moons silver glow. The smell of sweet fragrance ran through the air.

2.) Describe character using action
She looks a down, a pained sighed came out of her lips before she sat down on the grass.

It was full of wacky and crazy(replaced adventures with escapades)escapades with his friends.

A girl walked (I added an adverb) slowly through the (I added an adjective) dark green field mesmerizing the beauty of it. 

5.)Show characters through what they say (and omit)
“When you look up at the night sky and see the billions of stars out there, which one do you see?” An old man said. 
“Huh?” The little girl responded, tilting her head in a comical manner.
“Just like the stars, there are billions of story out there. Each one with a different version of itself but when you look at the star which one do you see?” Replying back. “Even if you don’t exactly hear or remember the right story, at least you still remembered that it was there.” The old man finished.
(It shows the old man is wise and full of wisdom and the little girl as someone who hasn't experienced much.)

6.)Make a character introduction memorable
She remembered her grandpa sitting on the grass, telling her stories of his past adventures around the world, it was full of wacky and crazy escapades with his friends, learning about what it had to offer. She remembered her grandfather telling her of the story of how he climbed the side of a mountain, how he learned to catch a fish with his bare hands and how he swam through a frozen lake.
(This paragraph shows that her grandfather is an adventurous man)

Monday 17 February 2020

Self Directed Learning for Creative Writing

WALT - Complete and write creative writing language features.

Step 1 - I am/am not ready to learn because...
I am ready to learn because I have all the things I need to enable my learning.

Step 2 - My Learning Goals are...
My learning goals are to be able to apply metaphor, hyperbole, pun, anaphora, chiasmus, epanalepsis, listing, antithesis, simile, personification, onomatopoeia, understatement and oxymoron to my writing.

Step 3 -  To engage in the connectivist learning process, I will need...
If I don't understand some of the creative writing languages features, I will ask my teacher to help or ask my classmate. Check the slide decks or search it up on google.

Language Features
Metaphor - Her heart was like cold ice.
Hyperbole - "I've waited for like a million years"
Pun - I am koalafied for running as a president.
Anaphora - Our lives will end. Our lives will come and go. Our lives are done.
Chiasmus - We need to be ready to learn and we need to learn to be ready.
Alliteration - Joshua jumped to the jungle.
Epanalepsis - The king is dead, long live the king.
Listing -  For the party, we needed to buy some chips, beers, juice, fizzy drinks and more snacks.
Antithesis - They went up; I went down
Simile - The kite flew like an eagle.
Personification - The tree was dancing like a ballerina in the wind.
Onomatopoeia - The sound of the rain hitting the roof went tippity tap.
Understatement - Imagine being in a desert. "It's a bit hot out"
Oxymoron - The word written on the green sign said stop.