
Tuesday 12 March 2019

Macbeth English Year 10

What genre does this text belong to?

The play Macbeth belongs to the genre of tragedy because there is a lot of mishap in it. People getting killed, revenge, ambition and a lot more things.

Why are we reading this text?

Because Shakespeare work is still relevant to this day and age, like the idea of bad ambition can ruin people.

What does the author want us to know?

Shakespeare wants us to know that witchcraft or bad ambitions is bad for you and can ruin you or someone else lives.

What am I learning?

I am learning about the play 'Macbeth' and how it is still relevant to us.

Why am I learning it?

Because the message behind the play still affects our society in this day in age.

What is my question?

How would we be able to fix all that bad ambitions and greed, etc

Tuesday 5 March 2019

English Year 10 Shakespeare DLO


What am I learning?

I am learning about the time and life of William Shakespeare, what happened in his times and his accomplishments.

Why am I learning it?

There is a lot of reasons to learn Shakespeare but my main points are about learning the old English style, learning about the Shakespearean culture and learning of the impacts William Shakespeare has done.

What questions do I have?

Was Shakespeare interested in anything other than making a play and the things he studied?

The life and times of William Shakespeare

Name the subjects Shakespeare studied in school. - Grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy.

Where was William Shakespeare born? - Stratford Upon Avon.

When did William Shakespeare die? - He died on 23rd of April 1616

Elizabethan England

What was the population of Stratford-Upon-Avon in Shakespeare's time? They had a population of 2,500.

What were buildings made out of in towns of Elizabethan England? They were made out of timber and thatch

What is ''rother'' the old English word for? Cattle

Elizabethan Theatre

How many people could the Globe theatre hold? just like the population of Elizabethan England, it could fit 2,500.

How was the sound of thunder created? It was created by rolling a cannonball backstage.

What were the cruel animal sport that the Elizabethan like to watch called? - They liked to watch dogs fight other bulls or bears.

Shakespeare's Works

What is his longest play? His longest play was called Hamlet.

What was his shortest play? It was called Comedy of errors.

What are the three categories for Shakespeare's play? The categories were comedy, history and tragedy.